First define arrays containing all the links and the link text you want for the links - make certain the two arrays have the same number of elements!
Then have a loop that goes through these arrays, displaying them on the screen in order. You can do a bit of string testing to work out what page you're on and have that link displayed differently - perhaps in bold or just not underlined. Output all the HTML using document.write
Here's an example:
var textArray=new Array('home','news','people','places','views', 'faq');
var linksArray=new Array('index.html','news.html','people.html','places.html','views.html','faq.html');
for (i=0;i < textArray.length; i++) {
var str = window.location.toString();
var urlbits = str.split('/');
if (urlbits[urlbits.length-1]!=linksArray[i]) {
} else {
if (i!=textArray.length-1) document.write(' | ');
Note how the last line in the loop misses off the delimiter for the last item.
Save this JavaScript in a separate file - something like menubar.js - and include it in the same place in all of your HTML pages using a conventional link to an external JavaScript file:
<script type="text/javascript" src="menubar.js"></script>
My links here are just straightforward links, but they could equally be styled bullet list items, buttons, images, whatever.